Masterclass Soft tissue management around oral implants

Masterclass Soft tissue management around oral implants

Masterclass Soft tissue management around oral implants

Datum: 3 oktober 2024

Locatie: Van der Valk Hotel Breukelen

Spreker: Prof. dr. Andy Temmerman

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Soft tissue management around oral implants

Tooth and implant: very similar on the one hand and yet so different on the other. The soft tissue differences are intriguing to say the least, but they also have a direct effect on the surgical management of peri-implant soft tissues. This masterclass will attempt to provide insights into how the peri-implant tissues can be of importance in the ‘long-term survival’ of oral implants and why peri-implant tissue surgery should be a regular part of oral implant treatment. A number of possible surgical techniques will be discussed theoretically and clinically.


18.00 – 19.00 uur:           Ontvangst met een lichte maaltijd

19.00 – 20.30 uur:           – The anatomical differences between the periodontal tissues and peri-implant tissues

                                            – What are we really looking for when it comes to the peri-implant tissues?

                                            – The Free Gingival Graft: the working horse + possible surgical options

20.30 – 21.00 uur             Pauze

21.00 uur                           Workshop: Practicing palatal donor site coverage with novel wound dressings

21.30 uur                           Afsluiting en borrel